From Click to Customer – Lead Magnets That Actually Work (Part 2): Choosing the Right One for YOUR Audience
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, Marketing Your BusinessEver wonder why some lead magnets seem to attract a flood of subscribers while others fall flat? 🤔 The secret lies in understanding your audience and their journey. It’s like planning a road trip – you wouldn’t use a map of Europe if you were driving across the US, right? In the same way, you […]
From Click to Customer – Lead Magnets That Actually Work (Part 1): Laying the Foundation
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, Marketing Your BusinessWant to build an email list that explodes with eager subscribers? 🧲 Then you need lead magnets that convert! But before you start churning out freebies, there’s some groundwork to lay. Think of it like building a house – you need a solid foundation before you can add the walls and roof. In Part 1 […]
How to Boost Your Business with Direct Response Marketing
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, Marketing Your BusinessDirect Response Marketing is a powerful strategy designed to generate immediate results and a quick return on your investment. Unlike traditional advertising, it focuses on eliciting immediate action from your audience, such as a purchase or subscription. In this podcast episode, we delve deep into the world of Direct Response Marketing, covering key components for […]
What to Do When You Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything
/0 Comments/in Self-Care for EntrepreneursYou’re bound to have moments in your life when you don’t even feel like getting out of bed. You lay there in bed, just staring at the ceiling, thinking about how miserable you are and how you really don’t feel like doing anything. Those feelings could be an emotional drain caused by stress at work […]
The Worst Time Management Mistakes You’re Probably Making
/0 Comments/in Productivity, Success LifeCan you answer “How well do you manage your time” with a straight face? Like most people, you probably find it challenging to answer that question. It’s better to think about your time as an asset, not as a burdensome thing that you have to figure out how to use. By taking some time to […]
Maintaining a Work-Life Balance When Working Remotely
/0 Comments/in Self-Care for Entrepreneurs, Success LifeIf you’re a bit of a workaholic it’s often difficult to determine how you should be spending your time in-between stints of office interactions. Even if you’re not used to working 24/7 like some professionals, you may find that maintaining a work-life balance while working from home is difficult, especially post-pandemic. In the remote working […]
Change Your Life with a Bullet Journaling
/0 Comments/in Self-Care for Entrepreneurs, Success LifeWhere do you want to be in five or ten years? What does your happiest life look like? As John C. Maxwell said, “The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” With that being said, what habits can you implement into your life that will lead to the life of your dreams? […]
5 Essential Tips for Hiring a Personal Assistant
/0 Comments/in Productivity, Self-Care for Entrepreneurs, Success LifeYou’re advancing in your career and beginning to feel overworked. Maybe you’ve finally gotten to the point where you have the money and want to spend more time with your family. You think it’s time to hire a personal assistant. Hiring a personal assistant can free up your time to focus on the bigger picture, […]
Finding Self-Confidence
/0 Comments/in Self-Care for Entrepreneurs, Success LifeWhat does it take to succeed? You might think you need lots of money and powerful friends. However, there’s a more significant factor that’s free and within your reach: self-confidence. Self-confidence may be your most valuable resource. It has a powerful impact on your behavior and experiences. It’s a mindset that gives you motivation and […]
An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Escaping Your Job After You Start a Business
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, Self-Care for Entrepreneurs, Success LifeWhat’s stopping you from just walking out of your job to start a business today? It’s likely to be one of two things: common sense or Integrity. Both are very valuable commodities. Common Sense and Integrity Common sense says that you will most likely have commitments, obligations, and responsibilities that show up monthly, weekly, and […]
8 Ways to Turn a Bad Day Around
/0 Comments/in Self-Care for EntrepreneursDo you feel like you just got up on the wrong side of the bed today? Are you thinking that there’s nothing you can do about it and that the rest of the day is going to be unpleasant as well? Some days are like that, but take heart! There are things you can do […]
Creating Your Dream Home Office Perfect for Meetings and Work
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, Success LifeGuest post by Virginia Cooper of When you work from home, you might spend a great deal of time in your office. In fact, the average business owner works around 49.4 hours per week, while some work over 50 hours per week. Therefore, it’s vital to create a workspace you love and that works […]
Prevent Burnout on Your Team – A Guide For Managers
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, Productivity, Self-Care for Entrepreneurs, Success LifeMore than half of employees in the United States say they’re burned out, and two-thirds say the pandemic is making their symptoms worse. That’s according to a recent survey by the job search site Indeed. Burnout is a big concern for any manager. It lowers performance and morale and interferes with job satisfaction. The World […]
7 Ways for Work From Home Parents to Manage Stress
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, Self-Care for Entrepreneurs, Success LifeHave you ever felt like you’re being pulled in all directions? Your child (or children) wants one thing, your partner expects another, your work/business needs a good portion of your attention, and maybe we shouldn’t even get started thinking about other responsibilities like taking care of the house or pets. Raising your family is great […]
Improve Your Performance Through the Magic of Social Facilitation
/0 Comments/in Self-Care for Entrepreneurs, Success LifeSocial facilitation is a fancy term for the tendency to perform better when we’re working alongside others or just being watched. It’s so basic that even bugs do it. Learn how the presence of others affects your behavior and harness that power to improve your performance and do everything better. General Principles Related To Social […]
Book Launch Basics
/0 Comments/in Marketing Your Business, Success LifeKudos to you for finishing your book! It’s a huge effort that is to be commended for sure, but don’t celebrate too much. There’s still work to be done. Here’s the thing about publishing: sales don’t just happen. You have to market your masterpiece and that starts with a book launch. Start Early The biggest […]
4 Ways to Improve Your Leadership Skills
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, Success LifeWhen most of us hear the word leadership, we usually think of political officials, CEOs, military commanders, or even athletes. While it’s true that you need good leadership skills to excel at these occupations, leadership is a valuable skill that everyone from any vocation or background can use for their benefit and the benefit of […]
How to Get Over Your Live Video Jitters
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, Self-Care for Entrepreneurs, Success LifeIt’s a rare person who loves public speaking or appearing on video. If that’s you, you can stop reading right now. But if you’re among the (much larger) crowd who suffers sweaty palms, racing heart, and uncontrolled butterflies, and you’re letting these get in the way of your video marketing dreams, then read on. Here’s […]
Write a Book the Easy Way – By Blogging It
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, ProductivityWhether you’ve always wanted to write a book or it’s a new idea (and you should write a book, by the way), there’s an ever-present problem for would-be-authors. It’s not a lack of writing talent. It’s definitely not a lack of knowledge. And for sure it’s not a lack of desire. If you asked most […]
Online Apps That Hurt Your Productivity
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, Productivity, Success LifeApps are fun and cool, which is why they’re so popular. And while many apps are useful and time time-savers, many others do a lot to lower your productivity. If you feel like you don’t have enough time in the day already, it doesn’t make sense to spend time on things that have minimal value. […]
Fear-Based Decisions Are Bad for Business (and Life)
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, Success LifeAt one point, every business owner will find themselves in a troubling situation. Revenue is down. New clients are scarce. Profits are falling, and a peek at the financials is enough to bring on intense fear and even a full-fledged anxiety attack. Unless you have a million-dollar nest egg or trust fund waiting in the […]
How to Live Your Life with Intense Purpose
/0 Comments/in Success LifeWandering around aimlessly from day to day provides absolutely no benefit to you or those around you. An unspecified purpose leaves you frustrated and lacking direction with everything you do. If you don’t already know your purpose in life, take some time to reflect on what it may be (see below). Then make sure everything […]
The Two Most Effective Ways to Increase Your Productivity
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, Productivity, Success LifeFor some people – perhaps even for you – increasing productivity is akin to finding the Holy Grail. Why has upping productivity taken on such mythical proportions? Simply put, increasing productivity means increasing earning potential. If you own a business where you provide any type of service, taking steps to increase your ability to deliver […]
How Well Do You Really Know Your Ideal Client for Coaching?
/0 Comments/in Building Your BusinessWe’ve all done the exercise. It’s the first thing you’re taught when you first start your business: Create an ideal client avatar. This vision of your ideal client guides everything you do, including pricing (you can’t charge that single mom as much as you can the CEO of a Fortune 500 company), pain points (mom […]
3 Reasons We Love the “Peek Over My Shoulder” Style of Training
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, Marketing Your BusinessHow compelling is it when you see this on a sales page? “Peek over my shoulder while I…” It doesn’t matter if the seller is demonstrating how to bake a cake or how to build a website, we want to peek over the shoulder and see. There’s just something intriguing about the opportunity to see […]
The Power of the Published Author
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, Marketing Your BusinessHave you been thinking about writing a book but have just never gotten around to it? Or do you already have a book written and you have just been unable to publish it? Read on, dear friend, because I’m about to give you three reasons why that needs to change. Your presence on social media […]
Finding Your Inner Strength When the Going Gets Tough
/0 Comments/in Self-Care for Entrepreneurs, Success LifeExperiencing challenging phases in life can really test your mettle. When you encounter those bumps in the road, how do you react? Are you able to deal effectively with these challenges without going to pieces? Could you use some help in finding your inner strength? Try these ideas to tap into your personal reserves whenever […]
Build a Business, Not Another Job
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, ProductivityMany people dream of working for themselves, being their own boss, and having the freedom to only take on clients and projects they love. What they don’t realize, though, is that there is a huge difference between building a business and being self-employed. People who build a business are far more likely to succeed than […]
How to Turn a Dream Into a Workable Plan
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, ProductivityAs an entrepreneur, it can be difficult to watch the lack of progress of so many promising business owners and coaches. They’ve dreamed for so long about creating a solid, sustainable business, and yet, all they do is dream. You know the people I’m talking about. They attend conferences, sign up for free webinars, buy […]
Mindset Tricks of Successful Entrepreneurs
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, ProductivityWant to know what sets the uber-successful apart from the wannabe entrepreneurs? It’s not money, or brilliant ideas, or even powerful friends. All of those things (and more) are nice to have, but they’re not a requirement of success. What is a must-have, though, is a good attitude. Without the proper mindset, you’ll constantly be […]
Beyond SMART: Goal Setting for Entrepreneurs
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, ProductivityIf there’s one thing we know about goal setting it’s that your goals have to be SMART, right? After all, that’s what we’ve been told for years. The only thing that matters is that your goals are S.M.A.R.T. – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. While that looks great on paper—and clearly it’s easy to […]
3 Surefire Ways to Create In-Demand Products and Services
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, Marketing Your BusinessIf there’s one thing that holds promising entrepreneurs back from launching their business, it’s this: a lack of confidence in their products. Sure, you think that a new course or workshop is a great idea, but how do you know it will sell? Imagine spending weeks or even months of time—plus the cost of document […]
Do this One Thing to Grow Your Business Faster (HINT: You Probably Already Know How to Do It!)
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, ProductivityImagine you had a coaching client who consistently failed to complete their tasks for the week. They couldn’t find the time to get their email opt-in page completed. They were too busy to write the next chapter of their book. They were working too hard and completely forgot to put together their webinar presentation. It […]
Making the Most of Your Time: 5 Productivity Tips Top Business Owners Live By
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, ProductivityIt’s not enough to dream of success. It’s not even enough to set goals. The only way to truly achieve your dreams and build the business you’re meant to build is to sit down and just do it. And that’s where many of us…well, fail is a strong word. But it’s the doing that trips […]
Crazy Busy? Here’s How to Get It All Done
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, ProductivityIf you’ve ever looked at another entrepreneur and wondered how they manage to get it all done, the answer might surprise you. They’ve got good systems. It’s true. The most productive people all have one thing in common: they don’t reinvent the wheel every day. Instead, they’ve figured out the best, most efficient way to […]
6 Easy Ways to Energize Your Workday
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, Self-Care for EntrepreneursWhile you’re at work, it’s common to feel overwhelmed with all the projects you’re juggling. Concentrating for a long period of time can be taxing both emotionally and physically. This often results in a tired mind, aching muscles, and a complete lack of energy. What can you do to revive and energize yourself during your […]
Eliminate All But The Essential Tasks: A Guide to De-Cluttering Your Life
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, Self-Care for EntrepreneursIf you have an endless list of tasks that need to be done, and most of us do, it can be overwhelming. The list just gets longer and longer each day because you can’t get today’s list completed, and more tasks just keep coming at you. If you can pare your list of to-dos down […]
What is Success?
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, Self-Care for EntrepreneursHow do you define success? Would you consider yourself successful to be at a C-level position in a big organization or to be your own boss in a small business? To many, success is obvious. It’s a life that includes a nice car, a fine home, an impressive job, and an attractive spouse. Yet, people […]
Entrepreneurs: Crucial Questions That Can Increase Your Profits
/0 Comments/in Building Your BusinessA high percentage of people who opt to run their own business find themselves working longer hours for less money than the job they worked so hard to escape from. That’s not all bad news, though, because they at least have the freedom that they craved. They don’t have to answer to anyone. But is […]
11 Quick Tips to Add Hours to Your Day and Be More Productive
/0 Comments/in Building Your BusinessAs business owners, we’re all stretched for time. You can’t wave a magic wand and make the day longer. But there are things you can do to save time. And there are things you can do to maximize what you accomplish with your time. In essence, you can add hours to your day. This will […]
3 Proven Strategies for Small Business Owners to Increase Cash Flow
/0 Comments/in Building Your BusinessIs your small business struggling to make enough profit to pay the bills? Low cash flow and living paycheck to paycheck can be quite frustrating. Perhaps you started a small business so you could pursue your dream while earning money at the same time. If so, then you know that it isn’t always easy to […]
How to Learn Online Marketing at Home
/0 Comments/in Marketing Your BusinessTo become successful with online marketing, one must develop the necessary skills and knowledge to produce the best results. This will take hard work and patience, but the good news is that you do not need to attend a college or university to get these skills. In this guide, you’ll discover some methods you can […]
How to Start a Conversation in (almost) Any Situation (Infographic)
/0 Comments/in Building Your Business, Marketing Your BusinessA big part of being a business owner is in-person communication. Actually, that’s a big part of just being human – it’s something we all face. If you’re anything like some of us here at Steady Radiance Design, the thought of the conversations at networking events or conferences might make you shudder. First you have […]
Video Advertising on Social Media: The One Thing You Need to Know
/0 Comments/in Marketing Your BusinessIf you’ve spent any time researching social media for business recently then I’m sure you’ve heard, video is where it’s at. Video ads are the fastest growing form of advertising online. According to eMarketer, US advertisers are expected to spend almost $16 billion just on video ads in 2019. That number is expected to jump […]